Friday, December 21, 2012

Students, Take Advantage of What UMaine Marketing and Communications Can Offer: 11.12.2012

We are often in awe of our own inspired ideas, so much so that it becomes second nature to ignore them, and they get lost in the shuffle of our exceptional brain activity. Many brilliant notions that strike us just slip through the cracks before we have a chance to process them, especially because as students we are exposed to new information and are having new experiences and readjusting our own goals and philosophies on a daily basis.

The richness of our academic setting often being the source of such inspiration, our half-baked theories about pursuing excellence are typically ones that, if developed, would be embraced and taken on by several other members of the university community. However, the task of advertising and recruiting support for our schemes is daunting, and well-meaning, though we may be, we more often than not deign to even try to get them off the ground.

Thanks to Pathway 3 of UMaine President Paul Ferguson’s Blue Sky Project, the resources previously at students’ disposal for such endeavors have become infinitely more accessible, with the promise of continually improving ease of usability and navigation for UMaine community members who want to garner support for their causes and organizations.

At the Communicators Summit held Wednesday and attended by members of the university’s many departments, a proposal for how to enhance communication across the university was introduced. This integration of departments may not seem like it would have tangible benefits to students — indeed, it sounds fairly theoretical and it would be hard to describe without sounding like mere lip service to warm, fuzzy ideals like unity and community — but there are in fact some significant changes being implemented that are worthy of mention and, dare we say, praise.

Individual students and specifically student organizations, already established or still undergoing processes of formation, can — if they choose to utilize it — benefit directly from this reorganization no matter what phase of planning they have reached so far. Anyone affiliated with the University of Maine can reach out to the division of marketing and communications —the former Department of University Relations — for help with website design, advertising, literature and student outreach. Students can easily access the UMaine photo database for their promotional materials and are privy to individualized guidance from the marketing and communications division’s marketing team. This is going to be an invaluable resource for students who want to get their organizations off the ground and for those who simply want to more effectively publicize their group and reach higher levels of success.

To any student who has ever wanted to take an idea out into the public sphere and test its rally potential, or for anyone who wants a more constructive way to advance a preexisting organization, this is something to be celebrated. The first edition of the comprehensive UMaine directory and a unification of the university logo are just a couple of ways this concept will be implemented on a policy level. How it is taken up by the community will be a test of its capacity to strengthen our sense of identity.

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